Building great relationships can turn into great revenue. Your customers are more informed and have high expectations. Dynamics 365 for Sales and Marketing will help you meet customer needs, engage more effectively, and win more deals. OUR TEAM are consultants that have been down this road and can help you grow your business
Connect and grow your organization beyond the limits of your basic accounting software. Dynamics 365 SALES is an all-in-one business management solution that’s easy to use and adapt, helping you connect your business and make smarter decisions. O Consulting is your go-to Microsoft Partner with consultants that can help you manage the financial end of your business.
Dynamics 365 Marketing is a marketing automation application that helps turn prospects into business relationships. The app is easy to use, works seamlessly with Dynamics 365 Sales and has built-in business intelligence.
Use Dynamics 365 Marketing to:
Create graphical email messages and online content to support marketing initiatives
Design interactive customer journeys to nurture leads with personalized experiences
Tap into LinkedIn’s business prospects
Share information across teams
Know your leads better
Organize and publicize events
Analyze and document your marketing return on investment (MROI)
Prioritize leads for more wins
Make survey results more actionable
Customize Dynamics 365 for Marketing to fit your specific business needs. Make basic customizations by using tools built right into the app. Expand its capabilities and add new features by installing third-party packages from our thriving marketplace—Microsoft AppSource. And it’s easy to connect with Dynamics 365 partners to get expert help. The Marketing app is built on the same platform and database as the Sales app, so both teams share the same records, and customizers can leverage their existing knowledge when adding custom features.
Grow your customer and partner relationships through personal engagement. Dynamics 365 allows you to build long-term relationships around the culture and uniqueness of your organization.
Connect with customers through social networks
Engage through sharing relevant content
Identify customer needs and build lasting trust with continuous insights and communication
Grow one-to-one customer relationships with a scalable and complete end-to-end system
Your time is best spent selling. JourneyTEAM can help you increase revenue, boost productivity, and better automate your sales process. Dynamics 365, with the combination of Office 365, are your super power.
Work mobile, anytime, anywhere. Intuitive tools provide news, social data, and task flows
Close deals faster and automate the sales steps through automation and a guided sales process
Partner channels, recruiting, and on-boarding are all done in Dynamics 365