[email protected] +92-323-4356-567
[email protected] +92-323-4356-567

360-degree view of supplier information and activity

Complete visibility across all supplier information and activities to inform source-to-pay processes and build a solid supplier management foundation.


Integrated risk and performance management

Monitor and measure supplier risk and performance activities with dashboard, scorecards and third-party data


Holistic supplier collaboration capabilities

Seamless and active collaboration between suppliers and stakeholders to improve performance, address issues, promote supply chain resilience, and innovate together.

What is Supplier Management?

In the modern business environment, organizations rely heavily on a complex network of vendors and suppliers to ensure their success. While these networks can contribute greatly to your organization achieving its strategic goals, they can also introduce considerable risk to your organization.

With this ever-growing dependency on these networks and the increase in risk, this means the traditional methods of onboarding, assessing, and managing these entities with disparate or manual processes no longer meet the expectations of stakeholders and customers, as well as failing to meet the requirements of auditors and regulators in many cases.

It is critical for organizations to have processes for onboarding, assessing, and monitoring their supply bases to optimize their performance and reduce the risks to their organization.

Looking to upgrade your supplier management program?

In the modern business environment, organizations rely heavily on a complex network of vendors and suppliers to ensure their success. While these networks can contribute greatly to your organization achieving its strategic goals, they can also introduce considerable risk to your organization.

With this ever-growing dependency on these networks and the increase in risk, this means the traditional methods of onboarding, assessing, and managing these entities with disparate or manual processes no longer meet the expectations of stakeholders and customers, as well as failing to meet the requirements of auditors and regulators in many cases.

It is critical for organizations to have processes for onboarding, assessing, and monitoring their supply bases to optimize their performance and reduce the risks to their organization.

Looking to upgrade your supplier management program?


Suppliers are the key to it all

Collaborate with them to get accurate information, assess supplier risk and improve performance while informing all procurement activities

Discover Ivalua's Supplier Management Solutions

Ivalua’s Supplier Management solutions provide a modern and digital process for on-boarding vendors and suppliers, establishing and maintaining accurate master data, and assessing and mitigating risks using internal and external performance and risk data, all in a 360-degree view that informs all processes involving these vendors and suppliers. The Ivalua solutions provide efficient and modern cloud-based solutions for meeting the needs and expectations of all your stakeholders.

Supplier Management

Supplier Information Management

Let supplier information help, not hurt

  • Simple, quick onboarding User and supplier self-registration, qualification, and onboarding of all suppliers quickly and efficiently.
  • Gain deeper supply chain insights Suppliers register their key sub-tier suppliers, assign them to commodities and contracts, and assess their risk.
  • Collect and validate information Let suppliers provide the required information, including certifications, qualifications, and financials.
  • Segmentation and approval Utilize supplier segmentation and a configurable workflow to address changes and updates.
  • Supplier Portal Access to a portal with complete profile, information, and transaction management capabilities.

Risk Center

A central console providing an integrated and actionable view on supplier risk management

  • Assess supplier risk factors important to you Obtain and validate information using Supplier Risk Center and its extensive partner ecosystem. Configure risk types, metrics, surveys, and scorecards to meet your business needs.
  • Quickly view and segment suppliers Visualize suppliers’ and associated sub-tier suppliers’ risk as a supply chain and sort across risk levels, risk factors, status, and other criteria to segment and prioritize actions.
  • Incorporate 3rd party data from wide ecosystem Connect external risk data sources to get a complete risk picture, including partners like Dun & Bradstreet, GRMS, ecovadis, Tealbook , Bureau Van Dijk, and riskmethods.
  • Proactive mitigation and campaign management Set business rules and metrics to ensure teams are notified of risk events early and automate the collection of information to ensure supplier and contract risk data stays current.

Issues Management

Track and resolve issues across all supplier activities

  • Focus on high priority issues Identify, gather, and resolve supplier related issues including deliveries, non-compliance or quality issues, invoices exceptions, and service level agreements.
  • Fast resolution Categorize, manage issues, and verify the follow-up actions; resolve the issues while informing stakeholders through workflows
  • Real-time tracking Track progress of the actions with real-time alerts and notification on issues, actions, and resolutions.

Collaboration Plans

Work closely with suppliers to improve performance, mitigate risks, and drive innovation

  • Tailored Collaboration Plans Select from a comprehensive list of plans to address specific opportunities including corrective actions, performance, risk mitigation, and innovation.
  • Visibility and accountability Gain visibility and report on key metrics shared between business stakeholders and suppliers. Assign actions and track ongoing status.
  • Project management Project management functionality for complex improvement plans and access to previous projects

Performance Evaluations

Gather and understand performance data to inform users and drive smarter decisions

  • Supplier Performance Evaluate and analyze suppliers across multiple performance and risk dimensions and prevent issues before they occur.
  • Operational performance Evaluate quality, responsiveness, capacity, productivity, total cost of ownership, and stakeholder satisfaction.
  • Campaign Management Full campaign management tools to support evaluations (templates, communications, stakeholders, etc.).
  • Global, configurable performance scorecard A complete and configurable performance dashboard to monitor performance and deliver actionable insights.


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